Saturday, January 3, 2009

long lonely saturday...

Today's facts so far:

1. Jesse started his new schedule today. 24 on, 48 off. Only today he's 48 on 24 off.
2. I am blogging because I'm bored.
3. I am growing quite sick of the walls in this place.
4. 2 years ago Jesse's overnite shifts meant Girls Night Out! Woohoo.
5. Now Jesse's overnite shifts mean, what the hell am I gonna do with myself?
6. I am very glad I got a job.
7. I am even more excited that my job has so many procedural lists. I love lists. I should make a list right now.
8. Ice skating is rad. Junior High kids on ice skates are dumb.
9. 3 year olds on ice skates with walkers=possible cutest thing ever.
10. Combining dumb Jr. High kids with 3 year olds=close calls and me acting like an old lady.
11. I love pizza.
12. It snowed. Again.
13. I purchased something on Itunes today for the first time. Also out of boredom.
14. I have plenty of things to do and don't really want to do any of them. Well, I want to do them, just not right now. Maybe later. Or tomorrow. Fun things, like blanket making, and closet organizing. I'll just add them to the list.
15. Here's to borging! <--blogging out of boredom.

Blahg blahg blahg...

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