Tuesday, December 18, 2012

House of Christmas Cards

PROJECTO NUMERO...TRES? Christmas Cards!!!

Oh hey! Merry Christmas guys! Here's another project I put together this year, and now that most of you have already received these suckers I can post about them.  Here's the deal, every year I make our damn Christmas cards. EVERY YEAR. One year I told Jesse I was just going to buy them, I believe this was last year WHEN I HAD JUST HAD A BABY. He looked so heartbroken, and actually SAID he wanted me to make them again. WHAT???? What a jerk. And a sweety. Apparently this means something to him. Blah blah blah. So yeah. Every year I spend more money on crafty supplies than I would on buying a box of letterpress ready made Christmas cards. It seemed ridiculous this year. So I decided instead of throwing more money at supplies whose leftovers would end up being hoarded in a box somewhere, I decided this year to use all these leftovers! LEFTOVERS! Fancy huh? Turns out I have a whole bunch of stuff. And it only takes a very small amount to actually make cards. So expect even more recycled cards in the future! Maybe some Valentines? Or easter? Or arbor day?

STEP ONE: Decide on design and create a rough draft. (That's Jesse's great aunt up there, we had no tiny family pix to use on this template)

STEP TWO: Cut all the strings. It was a lot of strings. I made a cardboard template that was the length i needed the strings to be and just wrapped and wrapped and wrapped for 35 times (I needed 70 lengths of string). I then just cut at the rounded edges and viola I had 70 pieces ready to use. Did that make any sense?

 THREEEEEE: Cut tiny little flags! Using good old fashioned elmers glue attach the strings, you can then just slide the flags under the string onto the still wet glue!

 A work in progress!

 STEP FOUR! Admire your work thus far!

(to be continued...)

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