Meet Panda our new little pup! She came to us through the Alternative Humane Society, who we can't say enough awesome things about. I want to use exclamation points for every sentence because I am so stoked. Eeek. She's our first dog together, and Jesse's first dog ever. He has no idea what he's in for...
She was found a few days after the fourth of July and she had a firework that had gone off in her mouth. She was incredibly dehydrated and malnourished. After a successful surgery two weeks ago she is back to normal...almost...she is missing her bottom lip, and the bottom teeth on the right side. Which suits us just fine, with her little tongue hanging out and her ability to only lick you from one side of her mouth it makes for a pretty cute pup. She's still a chewy little puppy too, no problem so far finding things to nibble on. Plus, you know, she's just so rad.
So far the only time she's pee'd in the house she managed to do it on the stone hearth. Pretty similar to outside, right?
We are totally puppy geeking out right now. Major time. Oh, and the name? Besides the obvious color similarities, we have an ongoing tradition of naming our pets after other animals...oh, and the first thing she managed to chew on in our yard was an old bamboo leaf that had fallen off the bush. So,you know, same diet too.
Speaking of other pets, Donkey, the hermit crab, got himself a fancy new shell today. My fave of all the choices we gave him, it's like the porsche of the shell world. Rounded edges and all sleek and stuff.
Panda and Donkey. Not a bad little family if you ask me. Maybe we'll name our first born Tucan.