I slept a total of 4 nights in my own bed since August 19th. I have filled my last few weeks with so much fun and excitement I can hardly stand it...this is how I spent part of my last week:

Saturday September 4th, Charleston SC. I was on a boat. (giggle)
I actually arrived in Atlanta on Wednesday morning but I have no record of that, because I am a lousy photo taker.

Sunday September 5th, The Wedding on Daniel Island SC.

Monday September 6th, The House on Folly Beach SC

Tuesday September 7th, Magnolia Plantation Audubon Swamp. There were giant spiders.

Tuesday September 7th, Late night at the Ranch Room, Bellingham, WA. Bagpipers 21st birthday.

Thursday September 9th, Start to Finish new landscaping in our side yard.
It feels good to be home...it feels good to sleep in my own bed and to play with my puppy. But I must say, South Carolina was amazing and the wedding was beautiful. I will do full wedding and landscaping posts in the near future...for now I need a break. Whew.