December 3rd 2009, the evening we got our keys to our first home.

November 2010, one year, one pup, and one red door later.

The original living room. In all of it's pepto bismol glory.

A work in progress, December 2009. Adios to the pink walls, hello refinished wood floors!
A well loved and well lived living room...one year later.

Christmas 2009, we'd been in the house about one week at this point. Not enough time to get a tree!
Dear F street,
we love you.
the irelands
One year down, a million projects to go...here's to the next year bringing us a dishwasher, new countertops, a water heater, radiant floor heating, new wood floors in the bedrooms, a vegetable garden, new gas stove, new vent, new cabinets, a new bathroom sink, new laundry room storage, new storm windows....
What have we gotten ourselves into?
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