I keep trying to sit down and write in this here blog. But every time I do all I want to do is write about babies. And I stop myself because I have been cooking up a storm, throwing parties, doing crafts, reading, watching...I have been doing things other than baby these days also! And I have been trying so hard to not turn this blog into THAT kind of blog. And well, I don't really remember why. When I started this thing it was just meant to be a place to drop my thoughts off. So folks, we are going back to my roots. Even if that means this Casa turns into a big fat mom blog. CasaMama. CasaBebe. I mean, the reality is that CasaIrlanda is pretty much a big house of baby right now anyways...so let's roll with it!

The first days.

It feels good to be back.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
1 comment:
welcome back! yay! post baby galore. i do, it feels good.
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