On the evening of the eleventh my Jesse gave to me a purple box with a pink bow while I was having a cup of tea. In it were the earrings of my dreams. I said, but honey it's not even a holiday yet and he said "Let's start now!"
The very ne

xt day we jumped into the big red truck and took a trip down to old Seattle. We wanted to celebrate Darwin's Birthday in style so we went and saw Lucy a very old and very in tact fossil of great importance. We learned great things about Ethiopia and fossils. We jumped on the monorail and took off at great speeds to our hotel for the evening.

Us in our lovely room at Hotel Andra. We had just come back from an incredible dinner at Palominos. Jesse had the Duck Confit Cassoulet and I had the Sea Bass Saltimbocca. We had a nite cap at Lola's and slept in the most comfortable bed for so many hours.

We wanted to celebrate Friday the 13th in style so we started the day off at a little bakery called Cinnamon Works located the the Pike Place Market. We had just wondered down there in hopes of finding at least one Gluten Free treat and bam! We found this bakery that had a whole case of gf treats, as well as floury treats for my Jesse. Great coffee too, and we were off to see Edward Hoppers women and this guy. I also got socks because my feet were freezing. It was like a dream for me, fossils, monorails, hotels, food, art, treats, and shopping. But we had to leave because we had other plans to celebrate Friday the 13th back at home.

So were going to see those guys. Old friends who were playing at the Wild Buffalo. But then we decided to keep it a little mellow and go see another band but then we got hungry so we ate and then we got tired so we went home and we tried to get ice cream first but that didn't work out so instead we just went home. Which we were glad we came home because it turned out our Hermit crabs were celebrating also (see post below) and we got to celebrate with them.

Can you believe all that happened before it was even Valentines day? Oh lordy! Just because we'd already celebrated in so much style didn't mean we didn't have room to keep on celebrating. So we awoke to the most yummy valentine oatmeal ever. Fresh cream! Walnuts! Raisins! and Blackberries! And the blackberries stained the oatmeal such a pretty Valentine pink! Goodmorning lover! I had to work which was fun and strange and quick and when I got off we met some friends for drinks, valentine drinks! I got tipsy and then went grocery shopping for our special valentine dinner! While I was in the grocery store I knocked over an entire display of sandwich bacon, which is a new item, which does not need to be refrigerated which grosses me out.

And here I am in my Christmas apron working on our Valentine dinner...the theme? RED! Red red meat in a red wine sauce with a side of roasted red potatoes and a bloody beet chevre, hazelnut, and spinach salad! Our drinks would've been red also but we both just wanted milk. And without strawberry syrup milk isn't red.

Thank you husband for this wonderful trio of celebrations. I would owe you my heart if you didn't already have it. I love you more than all coffee beans in Ethiopia, more than all the grains of risotto in the world, more than all the strokes of paint, more than all of everything ever. Thank you and happy day of love.