The week after I stuck my hand through a window my dad tried to one up me by drilling a hole in his finger. I learn all my good stuff from my dad. See, he's got this rad new shop filled with all sorts of dangerous goodies, so he had to get the inaugural injury in some time. Luckily he was ok and didn't even need any stitches (nice try, I got you beat dad!). But it did inspire me to make him a first aid kit for this shop for Father's Day this year. I found a neat old tackle box at the goodwill and after a trip to my favorite store in Bellingham, Sanderson Safety, and a lot of advice from Jesse, we filled it with all the necessary accouterments should he drill his hand or get wood stain in his eyes. Oh, and a little OCD lettering work from Jesse and we were all set. I say OCD, but I mean perfection, I would've sloppily thrown them on there without a thought...his version is much nicer.

File this one under, "oh? it's been a month since father's day, and I'm just now posting this? Wait until you see my Christmas post in August."