Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today's facts so far:

1. I'm still young enough to totally not get enough sleep and work 12 hours. The only side effect is having to eat tons of potato chips.
2. The side effect to eating a donut is sometimes worth it. Sometimes.
3. Somebody always has it worst. And what is worse is that somebody always has it better.
4. I got my picture taken by a total stranger customer at the new job tonite. She was silly. She thought I was beautiful and wanted her 17 year old daughter to know that you can be a grownup and be exactly the individual you want to be. Those are her words not mine. She was referring to my funny glasses and I'm pretty sure my hair was doing something quite interesting tonite. The whole thing was flattering/creepy. A lot of things fall into that category.
4.a) I took a job at my old job doing part of my old job. It's at nite, sometimes. It involves cooking and learning and discounts on kitchen stuff. I really think it's going to be ok this time around. I believe they call this moonlighting, not starring Bruce Willis. too bad.
5. moan...potato chips...moan
6. I may have learned in the last year what it takes other workaholics years to realize. And this I owe mostly to my friends.
7. I've never seen Rosemary's Baby and have had the urge. I have no urge to see Monsters vs Aliens.
8. There's a new blog on my blog list, shown to me by my brother. Style rookie, check it out. She'll make you wish you could do 12 all over again. Or rather, she makes you really excited to have a twelve year old daughter. Which is not something I've ever been excited about considering how awesome (sarcasm sir) I was when I was 12. But maybe I was awesome.
9. My little brother is going to see my little brother on Saturday and I am uncomfortably jealous about it. And happy because the last time it was just the two of them in Tucson the tumbleweeds video happened. And the tumbleweeds video is lost. So I am begging them to bring a video camera. Begging.
10. Did any of you come to my house today? The doorbell rang whilst I was napping...and now my curiosity is killing me.

1 comment:

Claire Brewer said...

Either I'm pregnant, or someone spotted your sinful soul from the Watchtower...